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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Agenda for 5/21-5/25

Monday, 21 May 2012

1. Go over Adjective/Adverbs Test

Test corrections can earn you up to 1/2 credit of the sentences missed.
     ***For example if you earned a 20/46 (F) you can earn up to a 33/46 (C-)

Here is what you need to do on a separate sheet of paper:
     1. Write out the full sentence.
     2. Underline ALL adjectives/ adverbs once
     3. Draw an arrow from the adjective to its antecedent (the word it modifies).
     4. Attach your original test.


1. Two old prospectors and a weary mule trudged across the desert.

2. Work on Travel Agent Assignments (due tomorrow!)

Be sure you have the following for your essay:
     1. Introduction
     2. Four body paragraphs minimum
     3. Four in-text citations minimum (one in each body paragraph)
     4. Conclusion
     5. Works Cited Page
     6. Extra credit for including Travel Agent Assignment Sheet

3. Grade Checks

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

1. Turn in Travel Agent Assignments

2. Watch "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

3. Grade Checks

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

1. Watch "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

2. Grade Checks

Thursday, 24 May 2012

1. Watch "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

2. Grade Checks

Congrats, you did it!  Eighth Graders Next Year!

Friday, 25 May 2012

Congrats to all Eighth graders!  Promotion Ceremony - No School

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Agenda for 5/14-5/18

Monday, 14 May 2012
1. QW #56
Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline all of the adjectives.
Please circle all of the adverbs.
     A. The happy Corgi ran quickly to her mama.
     B. School can be very difficult sometimes.
     C. Work hard and you will succeed.
     D. Miss Hawkins really hates to fly anywhere.
     E. Pasta always tastes delicious.

2. Travel Agent Assignment Outline - be sure to make a note of one source per paragraph (3 different sources are required).

3. Finish AMND Act V

HW: Finish your outline and bring your Literature books from home!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012
1. QW #57
A conjunction is a part of speech that connects parts of a sentence.
When in doubt remember your FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
     EXAMPLE: I went to the store but they were out of bread.

Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline all of the conjunctions.
     A. Hunny is super cute, but real dumb.
     B. What you say and do are two different things.
     C. Margaret was late for work again so she was fired.
     D. I do not like tomatoes or broccoli.
     E. Yet, we should eat vegetables frequently.

2. Adverb/Adjective review (Test Friday)

3. Write Travel Agent Assignment Introductions.

4. Take text books back to library.

HW: Finish Travel Agent Assignment Introductions

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Finish AMND

HW: None

Thursday, 17 May 2012
1. QW #58
Prepositions tell you where something is compared to something else.
EXAMPLE: The pen sits on the table.
      Q: Where is the pen? A: ON the table.     On is the preposition.

Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline all of the prepositions.
      A. Hunny likes to sit on people.
      B. He walked over the bridge quickly.
      C. She was sitting among the crowd.
      D. I only needed to run around the corner.
      E. The train traveled past the car.

2. How to write in text citations

3. Write essays using in text citations.

HW: Study for adjective/ adverb test.

Friday, 18 may 2012
1. Please pass QW's 54-58 forward.

2. Take adjective/ adverb test

3. How to write a works cited page.

HW: Work on essays?

       Your essays should include:
       - An introduction
       - Four body paragraphs with a minimum of four in-text citations (1 in each body paragraph)
       - A conclusion
       - Works Cited Page

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Agenda for 5/7 - 5/11

Monday, 7 May 2012
1. QW #54

1. Why do you believe it is (or can be) important to take notes? (1 sentence)
2. On a scale from 1 to 10 (ten being the best), how well do you believe you take notes?
3. Do you write exactly what is on the board or do you write notes in your own words? (1 sentence)

2. Take out your literature book and please turn to page R53 (in the back).
What is paraphrasing?
What is summarizing?
What is a quote?

3. Pass out note - taking guide.

4. Practice finding note taking information together.

5. Take some notes (collect)

HW: None

Tuesday, 8 May 2012
1. QW #55

     A. What website/ websites do you use the most? (1 sentence)
     B. Take a guess on what the word "credible" means..."I DON'T KNOW" is not an answer.
     C. Do you believe everything you read on the internet? (1 sentence)

2.  Book notes (collect)

3. Read Act V in AMND

HW: None

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Please take out your Travel Agent Research Assignment Sheet.

Please also take out your notes page for book, encyclopedia, and internet web site sources.

Lastly, take out two blank pieces of lined paper.


Thursday, 10 May 2012


Friday, 11 May 2012


HW: Finish any additional research needed

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Agenda for 4/30 - 5/4

Monday, 30 April 2012
1. Debates!
     A. Instructions
     B. Choose
     C. Debate!
     D. Grades
     E. Winners

Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Passbacks today - Syrus and Juan
1. Quickwrite #51
Pretend this is a quiz.
You need only write the number of the question and the letter to the correct answer.
NOTE: If you think writing this out will help you, do so!
Your BIG PRS Test is Friday on all eleven lists - we will be preparing this week.

Lists 1-4 Review

2. Grammar 5.4

3. Read Act IV scene ii

4. Introduce Travel Agent Assignment

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish Grammar 5.4

Wednesday, 2 May 2012
1. QW #52

Please take out your Quickwrite paper and for today's, number your paper 1-8.

Please remember you only need to write the number of the question and the letter of the answer.

Review - lists 5-10

2. Correct Grammar 5.4

3. Pick a country/ city for Travel Agent Assignment

     As we are going through the powerpoint, pick your top FIVE sites you would want to research - in order
     Only one site is permitted per student.
     Locations will be selected on first come, first serve basis (shuffled papers)

4. Vote on Poetry Portfolios

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study for PRS Test!

Thursday, 3 May 2012
1. QW #53

Reivew - list 11

2. Grammar 5.6 (We're skipping 5.5)

3. Pass out Travel Agent Assignment Locations

4. Read AMND Act V.

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study for PRS Test - All 11 lists! (Check out our reviews from this week)

Friday, 4 May 2012

No Quickwrite today - please study while I take attendance/ pass a few things out.

1. PRS Test
 When you finish, please put your test on the chair and finish/ look over Grammar 5.6. 
***If you happen to finish grammar 5.6, read silently.

2. Correct Grammar 5.6

3. Read Act V AMND

HW: Enjoy the weekend!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Agenda for 4/23 - 4/27

Monday, 23 April 2012

1. No Quickwrite today.
Please take out a blank piece of paper and remember MLA format.
Those who read these directions and are sitting quietly ready for our quiz will receive extra credit :)
Please title your paper: MSND Act IV scene i Quiz.
Instructions: There is no need to write out any question or answer completely.
Please only include the number of the question and the letter of the answer.

     1. Now that Oberon has successfully stolen the Indian boy from Titania, what does he decide to do with Titania?
          A. Kill her, he's got what he needs!
          B. Take the spell off her.
          C. Make her and Bottom fall in deeper love so he can make fun of them some more.

     2. Where did Thesus and Egeus find the four "mortals" (Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena)?
          A. In the forest, all asleep
          B. Celebrating the wedding of Hermia and Lysander
          C. Studying grammar with Miss Hawkins...what?

     3. Demetrius loved Hermia.  After he wakes, who does he tell Egeus he is now in love with?
          A. Still the lovely Hermia
          B. Helena and she loves him too!
          C. Titania the fairy queen.

    4. Make a TWO SENTENCE prediction for the end of the play.

2. Poetry Portfolios due!  Please pass them forward!

3. Finish/Grade Grammar 5.2

4. Grammar 5.3

5. Persuasive Groups (Debate Assignment)

     1. Cell phones in school (during classtime too).
     2. College IS for everyone.
     3. Homework should be assigned often.

Today you are working with your team to draft BOTH pro and con arguments.
You need 5 reasons for both sides - so a total of 10 arguments.

Be sure each side has some EVIDENCE or real world examples of why you would agree or disagree.

This is a graded assignment and will be turned in.

HW: Finish Grammar 5.3/ Study PRS #11

Tuesday, 24 April 2012
***No 4th Period today - STAR Testing

Wednesday, 25 April 2012
1. No Quickwrite, please take out your grammar books and turn to Grammar 5.3 - Grade

2. Grammar 5.4

3. Persuasive Groups


1. Cell phones in school (during class too)
2. Everyone should go to college; it IS for everyone
3. Homework should be assigned often

Each group member needs to be responsible for all parts of the assignment.  
This assignment is graded on an INDIVIDUAL basis.

STEP 1: 
All groups need to make a list of 10 "points" or arguments for each topic.
*FIVE points should be pro (for) the topic
*FIVE points should be con (against) the topic
All members should try to contribute.

STEP 2: 
Each member of the group should take one argument each from the pro and con side (of EVERY ARGUMENT).
*This means, each member will be responsible for being able to present ONE pro argument and ONE con argument for EACH TOPIC
*Real life examples to back up your point/argument is most effective.

Each member should be prepared to talk about whatever point/argument they are responsible for one minute.
*During our debate you will be able to have your paper in front of you.
*It would be helpful to have your points/arguments for each topic written out in a way that makes sense to you.

GROUP LEADERS: It is YOUR job to lead the discussion about arguments and topics.  
*You also need to assign an order in which those arguments will be presented during the debate.
*Let your group know when they will be going depending on the topic they choose.

See the example

HW: Study PRS #11

Thursday, 26 April 2012
1. No Quickwrite - please take out your PRS #11 list and study as I come around and check them off.

2. Finalize Persuasive Group Arguments (Monday we will present arguments)

HW: Practice individual arguments

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Agenda for 4/16 - 4/20

Monday, 16 April 2012
Cameron, Mariah, and Kaylinn - please see me before you begin your quickwrite (Passbacks).
1. QW #49
An adjective describes/ modifies nouns.  Remember what a noun is???
HINT: a noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.
Another  type of adjective is called an "indefinite article" or: the, a, and an.
Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline all of the adjectives.
     1. Kylee's pink sweatshirt was becoming.
     2. Miss Hawkins' sparkly, pink cell phone cover is beautiful.
     3. Hunny is a cute little Corgi.
     4. The huge Eifel Tower was surprising.
     5. The broken chair wobbled a lot.

2. PRS #9 Quiz

3. PRS #10 List (Quiz Friday)

4. Grammar 5.1

HW: Finish Grammar 5.1/ Study PRS #10

Tuesday, 17 April 2012
****STAR Testing - no 4th Period today

Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Cameron, Mariah, and Kaylinn - passbacks
1. QW #50
A predicate adjective (PA) follows a linking verb.
Example: Miss Hawkins is wonderful.
                                      LV     PA
Please write out the following sentences. 
Label the: subject (S), linking verb (LV), and predicate adjectives (PA).
     1. Someone was careless.
     2. After the fire, many people were homeless.
     3. I felt uncomfortable the first day of school.
     4. What smells so delicious?
     5. The weather is warm this week.

2. Correct Grammar 5.1

3. Portfolio Work Day - Poetry Portfolios Due Friday!


Station 1 - Portrait Poem                               Station 5 - Messy Room Analysis
                                                                                       and Fire and Ice Analysis
Station 2 - Rhymed Narrative Poem             Station 6 - Songs Analysis
                                                                                            (2 Total)      
Station 3 - Two Bodies Poem/ Analysis        Station 7 - Author's Note      

Station 4 - Haiku Poems (3 Total)                  Station 8 - Table of Contents

Master List

HW: Study PRS #10/ Work on Poetry Portfoilos

Thursday, 19 April 2012
***STAR Testing - 4th Period after lunch

Portfolio Work Day


Station 1 - Portrait Poem                               Station 5 - Messy Room Analysis
                                                                                       and Fire and Ice Analysis
Station 2 - Rhymed Narrative Poem             Station 6 - Songs Analysis
                                                                                            (2 Total)      
Station 3 - Two Bodies Poem/ Analysis        Station 7 - Author's Note      

Station 4 - Haiku Poems (3 Total)                  Station 8 - Table of Contents

HW: Study PRS #10

Friday, 20 April 2012
Please put quickwrites #49 and #50 in the period 4 box.

No Quickwrite today -

1. Please have out your PRS #10 and study while I come around and check off lists.

2. Take PRS #10 Quiz

3. PRS #11 List

4. Grammar 5.2

5. Read AMND Act IV, scene i (Homework if not finished)

HW: Finish Poetry Portfolio - DUE MONDAY!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Agenda for 4/9 - 4/13

Monday, 9 April 2012
No Quickwrite - upon entering the library, please be in your Medieval Groups
We will be in Mr. Williams room so all of your group needs to be in the same row.

- edit biographies in groups
- type up and edit - look at old English/ Shakespearian/Medieval language to revise

HW: No Homework

Tuesday, 10 April 2012
No Quickwrite - upon entering the library please be in your Medieval Groups

- Finalize biographies
- Post on storyboards

HW: No Homework
 Wednesday, 11 April 2012

1. QW #46
In A Midsummer Night's Dream Lysander and Hermia have run off to be together.
Egeus, Hermia's father, did not want this to happen nor did Hermia's best friend Helena

**Who do you agree with?  Hermia and Lysander or Egeus and Hermia?
**Think about the time in which this story takes place.
**Why do you believe these characters are more right than the others?

Please convince me and our class to believe what you do.

2. PRS #9 List (Test Monday 4/16)

3. Finish Two Bodies Poem Assignment

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish Reading ACT III, scene i - AMND (expect a quiz tomorrow!)

Thursday, 12 April 2012
Armando and Izzy please see me before you begin your quickwrite (passbacks).

1. QW #47
Please write a FIVE SENTENCE summary about Act III, scene i.
Extra credit may be considered for use of textual evidence (you don't have to)

2. Haiku Assignment

3. Binder Reminder

HW: Pick two songs and print or write out the lyrics to only the chorus (the part that repeats)

Click on this link to see a song chorus: EXAMPLE Chorus

Friday, 13 April 2012
1. QW #48
We have learned all about Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs.  Next we are going to discover more about adjectives.
Adjectives describe/ modify nouns (people, places, things, and ideas)
      FOR EXAMPLE: Hunny's cute, pink collar sparkled.  Cute and Pink are describing collar.

Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline the adjectives in the following sentences.
1. The large brink fell from the rooftop.
2. Kelly's red dress was on sale.
3. That show is hilarious!
4. That restaurant had yummy sushi.
5. Red roses only bloom in the cool, spring air.

2. Pass in Quickwrtites 46-48

3. Review Poetry Portfolios (what we've done, and what we haven't)

4. Begin Poetry Portfolio Author's Note (Introductions)

5. Two songs/ Analysis

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish list for PRS #8 - Quiz Monday!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Agenda for 4/2-4/6

Monday, 2 April 2012

No Quickwrite today

1. Correct Grammar 4.9

2. Poem Analysis for "The Highwayman"

3. Write Narrative Poems

HW: Finish Narrative Poems - due tomorrow!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Daisy, Brinee, and Cole please see me before you begin your quickwrite (Passbacks)
Ryan and Cameron, please see me about a make-up for your test (PRS #8).

1. QW #44
Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline all the verbs.
Please label Label all Direct Objects (DO)Indirect Objects (IO)Adverbs (ADV) on top or over words.
HINT: You may need to decide wether the verb is linking or action.
1. We saw a Corgi. 
2. Kylie went shopping.
3. Mark placed the pen in Nick's hand.
4. I sent a package to my best friend.
5. Hunny barked loudly.
6. Mrs. Benson is annoying.

Finding Direct and Indirect Objects

2. Work on Verbs Review (Test Thursday)

4. Read AMND, Act II scene ii

Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Daisy, Brinee, and Cole please see me before you begin your quickwrite (Passbacks)
Ryan, Kaytlyn and Abby - make up PRS at lunch!

1. QW # 45

Please write out any questions that you have about your verbs review.
If you do not have any, please write 4 sentences about what you do know about verbs.
       For example, the definition of a helping verb.
You may mix and match questions you have, and items that you know - 
For example, you may ask two questions and write two sentences about verbs.
2. Go over Verbs Review

3. Finish Reading AMND, Act II, scene ii.
4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study for your Verbs Test tomorrow!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

No Quickwrite today. 

Please take out a pen or pencil please.

1. Take Verbs Test

2. Begin "Two Bodies" poem Assignment

3. Read AMND, Act III, scene i

4. Collect QW's (only two this week, #44 and #45)

HW: Enjoy your day off and your weekend!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Agenda for 3/26-3/30

Monday, 26 March 2012

1. QW #41
Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline the verb phrases.
Then, next to each sentence, please write if the sentence is Present, Present Participle, Past, or Past Participle.
EXAMPLE: I am thinking of a lovely vacation. - Present Participle

1. He is thinking about going to Six Flags.
2. She had walked to the dog park.
3. Sally performed on Monday.
4. My sister is planning to visit.
5. Robert was called to the Principal's office.

2. PRS #8 List (test Friday)

3. Read "The Highwayman" - Alfred Noyes (Narrative Poem)
(Part I)

4. Fill out Plot Pyramid - Exposition and Rising Action for "The Highwayman"

5. Grammar 4.5??

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Study PRS #8 (finish list)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

1. QW #42

Normally when we talk about something in past tense, we add an -ed at the end of the verb.  
For example: We walked to the park.  
Sometimes, verbs that are past tense DO NOT end in -ed.
These are called irregular verbs.

**Please write out the following sentences.
**Please underline all the verbs.
**Please put a star above the irregular verbs.

1. Mark grew a few inches last year.
2. The storm broke a few windows.
3. I walked my dog last night.
4. We spent a lot of time at the mall.
5. I encouraged them to do well on the test.
6. I want to go home and sleep!
7. Hunny was so cute on her walk yesterday.
8. Many students were absent.
9. Marissa jumped very high.
10. Karl recieved his letter of acceptance

2. Finish Reading "The Highwayman" (Part II)

3. Fill out Plot Pyramid for "The Highwayman" - Climax and Falling Action (due tomorrow).

4. Finish Grammar 4.5 - Correct and post
5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study PRS #8 (finish list)/ Plot Pyramid for "The Highwayman"

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

No Quickwrite today.  Instead:

Pass down the poetry folders
Take out your "Spilling Open Poetry Portfolio" (checklist)

2. Introduce Narrative Rhyming Poem Assignment (this will go in your portfolio)

3. Begin drafting Narrative Poem (write own stories - homework)


You should be able to clearly see the Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, and Falilng Action of your stories!

4. Read AMND Act I, scene ii

5. Collect "The Highwayman" Plot Pyramids (if not turned in yesterday)

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Study PRS #8 (finish list)/ Complete Narrative Poem Story Draft

Thursday, 29 March 2012
Audrey and Laith - Please see me before you being your quickwrite (passbacks)

1. QW #43

Please write what has happened in A Midsummer Night's Dream thus far (Act I until now).

You should only include the main points.
You should also write in full sentneces (8 minimum)

2. Grammar 4.9 (don't panic, we skipped 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 on purpose!)

3. Put own stories on a Plot Pyramid

4. Begin Reading Act II, scene i (LRJ - due tomorrow)

HW: Study PRS #8 (finish list; remember you must have a complete list to take the quiz!)

Friday, 30 March 2012
New Seats!

1. No QW today!  Please pass Quickwrites 41-43 (3 total) to the front!

2. Please take out your PRS #8 list and study while I check them off.

3. Take PRS #8 Quiz

4. Correct Grammar 4.9

5. Begin drafting Narrative Poems from own story Plot Pyramids


Using your own story draft and plot pyramids you must write a narrative poem.
The poem must have at least four stanzas (one for each part of the plot pyramid)
The poem must have four lines per stanza
You must use a rhyme scheme

Typical Rhyme Schemes:

AABB ***** ABAB ***** ABCB ***** AAAA

HW: Work on rhymed narrative due Tuesday!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Agenda for 3/12 - 3/16

Monday, 12 March 2012
James and Abby - please see me before you begin your Quickwrite (Passbacks)
1. QW #37
Please take our PRS #6 (I will be checking these off during your quickwrite)
Please write the correct prefix, root or suffix next to each definition 
You do NOT need to write the definition, only the correct prefix, root or suffix
     1. bad, ill
     2. death, die
     3. without, lacking (adj)
     4. wrong
     5. between, among

2. Take PRS #6 Quiz

3. Collect PRS #6 Quiz

4. Get PRS #7 List (test Friday)

5. Correct Grammar 4.3 - Post scores (page 83, part A only)

6. More work on "Casey at the Bat"(Part 2)

7. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/Finish PRS #7

Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Cameron, Armando, James and Abby (passbacks)- please see me
1. QW #38
Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline the subject once.
Please underline the verb twice.
Label all Direct Objects (DO), Indirect Objects (IO), Adverbs (ADV), Predicate Nouns (PN) and Predicate Adjectives (PA) by writing the abbreviations above (or on top of) the words.
     1. Georgie sent the letter to her best friend.
     2. The dog ran quickly.
     3. Hunny feels sad.
     4. Katie ran from her house to the park.
     5. School is a place to learn. 
HINT: Think about the questions you need to ask yourself to find these items.

2. Finish "Casey at the Bat" (Part 2)

3. A Midsummer Night's Dream Character Chart Assignment (due Thursday)

     *You need a theme for each character.  
     *Your characters can be celebrities, pirates, animals, or anything you choose.  
     *You MUST have distinctive features for each character to be able to tell them apart.  
     *For example, if you want to make all characters pirates you could put them in different hats to    represent the characters.

4. Begin Grammar 4.4

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/Finish PRS #7 and Work on AMND Character Chart

Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Hannah, please see me.
1. QW #39
Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline the subject once.
Please underline the verb or verbs twice.
Please label helping verbs and main verbs.

                                 HV   MV
     EXAMPLE: We will listen to music all day. 
     1. The Corgi ran quickly
     2. He was called beast.
     3. My sister is planning her wedding.
     4. We are working on our Character Charts.
     5. Kaylee had considered taking the test.

2. Finish/ Correct Grammar 4.4

3. Work on AMND Character Charts (due tomorrow!)

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/Finish PRS #7/ Finish AMND Character Charts (due tomorrow) & Grammar 4.4

Thursday, 15 March 2012
1. QW #40
Please write four of your own sentences using the following verbs:
      1. Past
      2. Past Participle
      3. Present 
      4. Present Participle

2. Collect Character Charts

3. Read the "Jabberwocky" - Lewis Carroll
Listen here

4. Begin Reading A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act I Scene I

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish PRS #7

Friday, 16 March 2012

1. QW #41
Please match the correct prefix, root, or suffix with its definition.  You need only write the word, not the definition.
     a. not
     b. write
     c. one
     d. a kind of writing or speaking
     e. in front of

2. Collect Quickwrites #37-41 (5 total)

2. Take PRS #7 Quiz (Collect)

3. Finish Act I Scene I in AMND

HW: Enjoy your break!  Finish missing assignments!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Agenda for 3/5 - 3/9

Monday, 5 March 2012

1. QW #33

Please write a fictional narrative: a story that is not real
Write about your crazy and exciting Saturday (make stuff up!)
Just as with the non fictional narrative, you should include:
     Rising Action
     Rising Action

2. Essay Review

3. Finish Grammar 4.2

4. Spilling Open Poetry Portfolio (Checklist)
5. Messy Room Analysis

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #6 and Finish Grammar 4.2

Tuesday, 6 March 2012
STAR Writing Test - Assembly Schedule (4th Period after lunch)

No Quickwrite today, please take our your Samurai's Tale novels (if you still have it)

1. Go get A Midsummer Night's Dream (library)

2. Finish "Messy Room" Analysis - turn in

3. Grade Grammar 4.2

4. Watch some poetry

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #6

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

1. QW #34

Write a 4 lined poem about a sport of your choice.
You must use at least one rhyme (two words that rhyme)

2. Get Poetry Folders

3. Fire and Ice - Robert Frost

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

4. Begin Portrait Poem
See the Example

5. Grammar 4.3

HW: Finish/Study PRS #6/ Finish Grammar 4.3

Thursday, 8 March 2012

1. QW #35

Please take out PRS #5 List
Please write 5 fake words using ALL FIVE prefixes, roots, and suffixes.

This means you should have one word per prefix, root, or suffix - this will be graded carefully.

2. Finish Portrait Poems

3. Technical Directions

4. Fire and Ice - Robert Frost (analysis)

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #6/ Complete Portrait Poem

Friday, 9 March 2012

Kaytlyn Nather - please see me before you begin your QW (passbacks) 
1. QW #36
Predicate nouns come after linking verbs.
Predicate adjectives (describing words) come after linking verbs.
For example: He was annoying - predicate adjective
*Please write out the following sentences.
*Underline the subject once.
*Underline the linking verbs twice.
*Circle the predicate adjective and predicate nouns.
     1. Sally was happy.
     2. We both seemed upset.
     3. Summer days seem long.
     4. The rain on the roof sounded pleasant 
     5. The eye is the center of a hurricane.
 **Notice that action verbs have DO and IO, while linking verbs have PN and PA!

2. Collect QW's 33-36 (4 total)

3. Grammar 4.3

4. "Casey at the Bat" Part 2!

5. Collect Portrait Poems

6. Binder Reminders

HW: Study PRS #6 (Quiz Monday)/ Finish Grammar 4.3

Monday, February 27, 2012

Agenda 7 for the week of 2/27-3/2

Monday, 27 February 2012

CST English 7 - Mirror Test (Part 1)

Grammar 4.1

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #5/ Did you turn in your Lyrics Assignment?

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

CST English 7 - Mirror Test (Part 2)

Finish Grammar 4.1

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #5/ Finish Grammar 4.1

Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Nique, Christian (passbacks) and Alyssa - please see me before you begin your QW.

1. QW #30

Please write out the following sentences.
Underline the VERB PHRASE.
Write HV above the helping verbs and MV above the main verbs.

     A. He did answer the question
     B. Casey should take the bus
     C. The students were talking a lot!
     D. Andrea will take the test today.
     E. You must not tell lies.

2. Finish/ Correct Grammar 4.1

3. Read "Casey at the Bat" (pages 300-301)

4. Casey at the Bat Assignment

HW: Finish Casey at the Bat Assignment

Thursday, 1 March 2012

1. QW #31
CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS, then follow the directions

     A. You should be allowed to use cell phones in class.
     B. Teachers should not give homework
     C. Boys play video games and girls don't.

     Do you agree with this statement?  Do you disagree with this statement?
     What makes this true or false for you?
     What do you know from your own life that makes this true or false?

Please answer the above questions entirely.  You MUST agree or disagree.  Back up your opinion with evidence from your own life, or from someone you know.
***This should look like a well written paragraph when you are finished (AT LEAST 8 SENTENCES).

2. Go Over "Casey at the Bat" Assignment

3. Grammar 4.2
Finding Direct and Indirect Objects

HW: Finish/Study PRS #5/ Finish CATB Assignment

Friday, 2 March 2012

1. QW # 32

Write a non-fictional (real) narrative (story) about your favorite OR least favorite trip.

You should include all of the features of a plot pyramid: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax and Falling Action.


2. Collect QW's 30-32

3. Collect CATB Assignment

4. Take PRS #5 Quiz

5. PRS #6 List

6. Finish Grammar 4.2

7. Spilling Open Poetry (if time)

HW: Enjoy the weekend and sleep in!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Agenda for 2/20-2/24

Monday, 20 February 2012

No School - Washington's Day

Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Alyssa and Justin - See me before you begin your quickwrite (Passbacks)
1. QW #26
Please write out the following words.
Please define the following words using your PRS #4.
Be sure the proper prefix, root, or suffix is included in the word's definition.
Use what you know already to help define words.
     1. Expulsion
     2. Hyperactive
     3. Produce
     4. Exit
     5. Artifact
     6. Factory
     7. Magnify

2. Go over Grammar Tests

3. Read Chapters 32 and 33 in The Samurai's Tale
4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish PRS List #4.

Wednesday, 22 February 2011

1. QW #27
A verb is something you do.  Ask yourself this question when identifying verbs.
Miss Hawkins yells at her students.
Q: What is Miss Hawkins doing? 
A: Yelling
"yells" is the verb.

Please write out the following sentneces.
Underline the verbs.
     1. Katherine walked her Corgi yesterday.
     2. Mary eats sushi a lot.
     3. Kyle bought a new video game.
     4. He ran very quickly.
     5. They did question their score.

If you are confused, please write out the sentences and wait until we review.

2. Finish  The Samurai's Tale

3. Begin Poetry Terms (Notes)

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish PRS #4 List

Thursday, 23 February 2012

1. QW #28

Please make up five fake words with PRS #4.
Be sure you write the word and its definition.
EXAMPLE: Hypercandy: candy that makes you overly energetic

2. Finish Poetry Terms

3. Grammar 4.1

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish PRS #4 List and Print out/Write all lyrics to a song

Friday, 24 February 2011

1. QW #29
Please take out your poetry notes and answer the following questions.

You do not need to write the question or full sentences...only the answer (word).
      A. What is the poetry term that means giving human-like qualities to an object?
      B. What poetry term means repetition of sound at the beginning of words?
      C. What poetry term means a comparison of two things using the words "like" or "as?"
      D. What kind of poem is written about a hero?
      E. What is the poetry term that helps a reader evoke their five senses?

2. Collect QW's #26-29

3. Check-off PRS #4 List (Study)

4. Take PRS #4 Quiz

6. Poetry Terms Assignment

Using your lyrics in front of you, please identify 8 different terms in your song.  

If you cannot find eight, ask two other classmates to look before you ask me.

7. Binder Reminder

HW: Have a great weekend!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Agenda for 2/13-2/17

Monday, 13 February 2012
Ben and Lizzy - please see me before you begin your QW (passbacks)

1. QW #23

Please write out the following sentences.
Underline all the Nouns.
Circle all the Pronouns.
     A. The beads Allison used were so awful, they fell apart.
     B. With the water running, she brushed her teeth.
     C. Our favorite day is Saturday.
     D. Iphones can be very expensive.
     E. His car broke down and he had to wait an hour for a tow truck.

2. Correct Grammar 3.9

3. Grammar 3.10

4. Read Chapter 28 in Samurai's Tale

5. Grammar Review

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish Grammar 3.10

Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!

1. QW #24
Please write out the following sentences.  
Underline the correct pronoun.
HINT: You need to know if the indefinite pronoun is singular or plural to decide.
     A. Anyone can get (his or her, their) driver's license.
     B. Both (his or her, their) grades are amazing.
     C. Many in the car accident will pay with (his or her, their) cash.
     D. Some students decided to finish (his or her, their) homework.

2. Correct Grammar 3.10

3. Work on Grammar Review

4. Read Chapters 28-30

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study for Grammar Test/ Read Chapters 29-30 in Samurai's Tale

 Wednesday, 15 February 2012
NO QW today.  Please take out a blank sheet of paper and title it "ST, Chapter 29-30 Quiz"

Samurai's Tale, Chapter 29-30 Quiz

1. Who replied to Harutomo's (Taro's) poem to Aki?
A. Aki, of course!
B. Lord Akiyama
C. Lord Zakoji

2. What did Lord Zakoji (Aki's father) ask Harutomo (Taro)?
A. To become a priest also
B. To stop writing Aki
C. To kill Lord Akiyama

3. What happened to Harutomo's (Taro's) good friend Yoshitoki?
A. He died in battle
B. He killed 100 men
C. He won Iwamura Castle

4. Harutomo is asked to be a messenger.  If he got caught, what would happen to him?
A. They would cruicify (kill) him.
B. He would be let go
C. They would capture him and use him as bait to get to Akiyama.

5. Have your heading in proper MLA format.

1. Go over Grammar Review answers

2. Read Chapter 31 in Samurai's Tale

3. Binder Reminder

HW Study for Grammar Test tomorrow!

Thursday, February 2012

QW #25
You do not need to write the questions.
Answer the following questions in full sentences:
     A. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? 
     B. Why?
     C. What would you do there?
     D. Who would you take with you?

1. Turn in QW's 22-25

2. Take Grammar Test

3. PRS #4

3. Grade Chapter 3 for Completeness (if time)

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Enjoy the long weekend!

Friday, February 2012

Lincoln's Day - No School