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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Agenda for 1/30-2/3

Monday, 30 January 2012
-Izzy and Syrus - please see me before you begin your Quickwrite (passbacks)
-I need to see the following students about making up PRS #1:
Christian, Alyssa, and Cole.
-I need to see the following students to get grammar 3.7 score:
Cameron, Cole, James (QW's too), and Audrey.
1. New Seats

2. QW #18
Define the following five words using your PRS #2
If you do not have your list completed, now is a good time to copy it down from a neighbor.
EXAMPLE: Detract - to take away or move away from someone or something.
1. circumference
2. connect
3. defer
4. different
5. capture

3. Pick your prompt - Response to Literature Essay
     a. Plot Summary
     b. Character Sketch
     c. Theme

4. Write, write, write
Do not include textual evidence.  Take out your novel and write as much as you can!
Today is all about QUANTITY!
(practice what working looks like)

5. Turn in writing.

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish PRS #2/ Read Chapter 23 and 24 in Samurai's Tale (expect a quiz tomorrow!)
Justin...Please let me sign your Binder Reminder!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

1. No Quickwrite today.

Please take out a blank sheet of paper and title it "Samurai's Tale, Chapters 23 and 24 Quiz"

2. Groups based on Essay Topic

3. Begin Textual Evidence Assignment; Today is all about QUALITY

4. Grammar 3.8 (Pages 57-59; DO NOT DO THE LAST PARAGRAPH)

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish PRS #2/ Grammar 3.8

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Finish Textual Evidence Assignment

HW: Finish PRS #2 List/ Finish Textual Evidence Assignment

Thursday, 2 February 2012
Izzy and Syrus - passbacks!

1. QW #19

Please take out PRS #2
Please write FIVE FAKE words (as far as you know) for your prefixes and roots for this week.

Be sure to write your fake word along with its definition.

EXAMPLE: Circumexcuse - to talk in circles to get out of homework using an excuse.

2. Collect Textual Evidence Assignments.

3 Go over Grammar 3.8

4. Write Samurai's Tale Introductions.

5. Collect Introductions

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish PRS List #2 AND finish textual evidence assignment.

Friday, 3 February 2012

1. QW #20

Please write the correct prefix or root next to the following definitions:
1. opposite, away
2. around
3. take, sieze
4. apart, not
5. together, with

2. Collect QW's 18-20

3. Check off completed PRS #2 Lists/ Study

4. PRS #2 Quiz

5. PRS #3 List

6. Write Conclusions

7. Collect Conclusions

HW: Sleep in over the weekend!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Agenda 7 for 1/23-1/27

Monday, 23 January 2012
Juan and Hannah - please see me before you begin your quickwrite.

1. QW #13
-Please take out your Samurai's Tale books.
-Briefly explain what occurred in Chapter 17 in Samurai's Tale (we read this on Thursday).
-You must write a minimum of 6 sentences.
-One sentence must include textual evidence.

HINT: format your textual evidence as so: "textual evidence" (132).

2. Read Chapter 19 in Samurai's Tale

3. New Vocabulary List (PRS #1)

4. Briefly introduce Response to Literature Essay 

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Work on Vocab. List

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

1. QW #14

Please take out your PRS List #1
Please make up five "fake" words using each of your new prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
Then, provide a definition for your new word.

Homeworkible - able to do homework
(notice that the definition of the suffix -ible is in the definition: "able to")

BiCorgis - having two CorgisThe words only make sense when you write a definition!

2. Response to Literature Introduction

3. Read Chapter 20 in Samurai's Tale (LRJ)

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study PRS List #1/ LRJ for ST Chapter 20

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

1. QW#15
An antecedent is the word a pronoun is replacing.
For example: Hunny loves her toys. 

Hunny is the antecedent the pronoun "her" is replacing.
Please write out the following sentences.
Underline the antecedents.

1. The earth spins on its axis.
2. Roger and Rorie are going to their house.
3. Mr. Lovell talks about his kids.
4. The sun warms the earth with its energy.
5. All teachers love his and her students.

2. Grammar 3.7 (we're skipping 3.5 and 3.6)

3. Collect LRJ

4. Read Chapter 21 in Samurai's Tale

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish PRS List #1

Thursday, 26 January 2012
Juan and Hannah see me please (passbacks)
1. QW #16
Take a moment and think about our upcoming essay: Response to Literature.
Answer ONLY THREE of following questions in AT LEAST two sentences (no, you do not need to write the questions):
This is a little more than a quick write...think about your responses carefully!
1. What is the Exposition of Samurai's Tale?
2. What are some features of the Rising Action of the novel?
3. What is one big change Taro (Harutomo) has gone through.
4. Do you think Taro (Harutomo) has made good choices in his life? Why or why not.
5. What is one thing you have learned from Taro (Harutomo)?


2. Read Samurai's Tale Chapters 21 and 22

3. Grade Grammar 3.7

4. Overview of PRS Test #1

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish PRS #1- Test tomorrow

Friday, 27 January 2012

1. QW #17

Please write the following sentences.
Underline the pronoun once.
Underline the antecedent twice.
(Remember, the antecedent is the noun the pronoun replaces)

1. Mike skipped Gator-Aid and now he has detention.
2. Pandora is the best because it plays everything.
3. Corgis are the cutest.  They bark all the time.
4. Whenever you study, you get better grades.

2. Collect QW #'s 13-17.

3.PRS Quiz #1
(Keep these!  Don't lose them!)

4. PRS List #2
(Make flash cards)

5. Read Chapter 23 in Samurai's Tale

HW: Enjoy your weekend!

Here is what we turned in this week:

1. Literary Response Journal for Samurai's Tale, Chapter 20 (due Wednesday)
2. Grammar 3.7 (due Thursday)
3. QW's 13-17 (due Friday)
4. PRS Quiz #1/ List (due Friday)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Agenda 7 for 1/16-1/20

Monday, 16 January 2012

No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday, 15 January 2012
Maddie and Ryan.  Please see me before you begin your QW (passbacks)

1. QW #9
Please write out the following sentences.
Please circle all of the nouns.
Please underline the subject pronouns in each sentence.

     1. His test was not great.
     2. Sammie decided her drawing was the best.
     3. Greg and his friend Kyle went to see the new Mission Impossible.
     4. They screamed at the Statue of Liberty.
     5. His imagination ran wild.

Please remember if you are stuck or confused to write out the sentences and wait until we review.

2. Samurai's Tale Vocabulary List #6

3. Read Samurai's Tale Chapter 16.

4. Begin Literary Response Journal for Samurai's Tale Chapter 16.

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Work on Vocabulary List/ Finish Literary Response Journal

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

1. QW #10

Please choose three of your Vocabulary Words.
Please write three sentences using those three words  (as you do for your Vocabulary list each week)
Be sure each sentence contains your word!

2. Sentence Review

3. Samurai's Tale Vocabulary #6 List Review

4. Grammar 3.3 (ONLY page 53) 
*This lesson will not be graded until we are finished with all of Chapter 3

5. Collect Samurai's Tale Chapter 16 Literary Response Journal.

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Work on/ Study Vocabulary List/ Read Chapter 17 in Samurai's Tale

Thursday, 19 January 2012
Maddie and Ryan.  I have passbacks for you!

1. QW #11
Possessive Pronouns show ownership or a relationship to something or someone else.
EXAMPLE: Iris and Rob are friends of mine.
EXAMPLE: How do their visions of the future compare to yours?

Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline all of the possessive pronouns.
HINT: What pronoun is owning something?
     1. In her mind, the best thing about the future is its endless possibilities. 
     2. The exploration of space will be just one exciting element in our future.
     3. My puppy decided to chew up her toy.

Remember, if you are confused write out the sentences and wait patiently until we review.

2. Grammar 3.4 (Possessive Pronouns; pages 55-57).

3. Read Samurai's Tale Chapter 18. 

4. Grade Check!

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study Vocabulary/ Finish List!
You MUST turn in a list to take the test! 

Friday, 20 January 2012

1. QW #12
Please match the following definitions with it's correct vocabulary word.
You need only write the correct word for each.
Please take out your Vocabulary List if you need it

     1. believable (adj)
     2. high regard/ honor (n)
     3. messenger (n)
     4. handle of a sword or dagger (n)
     5. hard to handle because of size or weight (adj)
     6. a protective barrier (n)

2. Collect Samurai's Tale Vocabulary List #6

3. Take Samurai's Tale Vocabulary List #6 Quiz

4. Correct Grammar 3.4 (page 56)

5. Grade Check (again!)

HW: Have a fantastic weekend!

What we turned in this week:

1. Literary Response Journal for ST Chapter 16 (due Tuesday)
2. Samurai's Tale Vocabulary #6 List/ Quiz (due Friday)
3. Grammar 3.4 (due Friday)
4. Quickwrites 9-12 (due Friday)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Agenda 7 for 1/9-1/13

Monday, 9 January 2012
Kameron and Juji (please see me before you start your Quickwrite - passbacks)

1. QW #6
Pronouns take the place of nouns.
For example: Miss Hawkins loves her students. Her is the pronoun because it replaces Miss Hawkins.

Please write out the following sentences.
Underline the pronouns.

1. Hunny loves to eat her food.
2. Christian really loves his English class.
3. Syrus turned in his Character Chart.
4. I didn't like my Christmas outfit.
5. My nieces are Kaitlyn and Meghan.

Remember, if you are stuck please write the sentences and wait until we go over them.

2. Collect ST Chapter Guide, Chapters 13-14

3. Grammar 3.1 (Page 46)

4. Samurai's Tale, Vocabulary List #5

5. Read Samurai's Tale, Chapter 15
Japanese Astrology

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish all three pages of grammar 3.1.  Start Studying Vocabulary!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

1. No Quickwrite

2. Library - Banned Books with Miss Jones

HW: Make sure all three pages of 3.1 are complete. Study Vocabulary List!
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
QW #7 (Remember, we didn't do one yesterday)

Please take out your Vocabulary Lists.
-If you did not write one, now is a good time to copy the list from the person sitting next to you.

-Please choose 3 of your words.
-Write one sentence per word using the Vocabulary word (as you do for your lists each week).
-We will share examples and discuss making sentences with Vocabulary words.
-Be sure the word is actually in the sentence!

2. Vocabulary Activity (Keep your QW #7 out)

I will put you in groups.

Here is what each group needs to do:

1. Assign one person as a "writer": this person needs a piece of paper and a pen/pencil.  This person is NOT responsible for anything other than writing (so this person does not need to share a sentence).
2. Each person from your group (except the writer) needs to choose one sentence from his or her quickwrite to share.
3. The writer needs to first write the word and it’s part of speech.
4. Write each sentence chosen and underline the vocabulary word.
5. Then, as a group you need to decide if this sentence works or if it does not.
6. Write below a sentence or more why it works or why it does not.   Explain WHY.

See the example paper

3. Binder Reminder

HW:Finish Reading Chapter 15 in Samurai's Tale (Quiz tomorrow).  Make sure Grammar 3.1 is complete!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

No QW today!  Please take out a blank piece of paper.

Title it "Samurai's Tale Chapter 15 Quiz"  (Don't forget your name!)

3. Correct Grammar 3.1

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study your Vocabulary/ finish list!

Friday, 13 January 2012
Juji and Kameron, I have passbacks!
1. QW #8
Please ONLY write the correct Vocabulary word for each definition.
Take out your vocabulary list if you need it.

     1. servant
     2. a word or act that is openly disrespectful
     3. scolded or warned
     4. to mediate, decide, or judge
     5. profitable
     6. spitefully or maliciously 
     7. how someone reacts to something unfair

2. Collect Samurai's Tale, Vocabulary List 5

3. Take Vocabulary Test and collect 

4. Correct and Grade Grammar 3.2 (Page 50)

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Have a great weekend!
What did we turn in this week?

1. Chapter Guide for Samurai's Tale, Chapters 13 and 14 (due Monday)
2. Vocabulary Activity (due Wednesday)
3. Grammar 3.1 (Page 46; due Thursday)
4. Samurai's Tale, Chapter 15 Quiz (due Thursday)
5. Grammar 3.2 (Page 50; due Thursday)
6. Quickwrites # 6-8 (due Friday)
7. Samurai's Tale Vocabulary List #5/Quiz (due Friday)

**Expect Gator-Aid if all of this is not turned in!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Agenda 7 for 1/2-1/6

2 January 2012, Monday

1. QW #1

A non-negotiable is something that you cannot live with and/or without.  What are your non-negotiables as a student?  For example, one may be that you cannot take a test while other students are talking.

Take a few minutes and think about this.  Then, please list three to five non-negotiables that you have.

Please write in full sentences (if you cannot think of any make some up that you think other people may write).

2. Miss Hawkins' Rules and Procedures

3. Review Samurai's Tale through Chapter 10 - Character Chart
(cross out two people you would not want to write about)

4. Binder Reminders

HW: Character Chart 1-10

3 January 2012, Tuesday

1. QW #2 - Quickwrites should be absolutely silent!
Please number yoru paper 1-8 (this can be on the same paper as QW#1).

Please write one example of each of the following:

1. concrete noun (e.g. you may not use this one!  Nice try)
2. abstract noun
3. proper noun
4. singular noun
5. plural noun
6. singular possessive noun
7. plural possessive noun
8. singular compound noun
HINT: Look at Chapter 2 if you get stuck (Pages 31-42)

(If you don't quite finish in our 5 minutes, don't panic!  We are going over these after the QW today.  You can fill in what you don't have then)

2. Noun Review (2.1-2.4, Pages 31-42)

3. Look at Character Relationship Chart 
(please take out your Character Chart from yesterday; homework last night)

4. Collect Character Charts

5. Read Samurai's Tale Chapter 11

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish Reading Samurai's Tale Chapter 11.  Make sure all of 2.1-2.4 is complete!

4 January 2012, Wednesday
Anthony and Luke - please see me BEFORE you begin your QW.

1. New Seats

2. QW #3
-When finding the subject of a sentence ask yourself this question: "Who or what is doing something?"
-The answer to this question is the SUBJECT.
-Please write each of the following sentences on your paper.  Underline the subject.

(Example: The dog ran quickly.
Q: "Who is doing something?"
A: The dog
Therefore: The dog ran quickly.) 

1. Miss Hawkins ate Thai food.
2. Our class completes homework.
3. Nancy got an A on the last test.
4. Hunny chewed my Literature Book.
5. Andrew asked Miss Hawkins a great question.

If you are confused please write out the sentences and wait until we go over them.

3. ST Vocabulary List 4 Review (lists due Friday before quiz)

4. Read Samurai's Tale Chapter 12

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Make sure all of Grammar Chapters 2.1-2.4 are complete (we will be grading this tomorrow).

5 January 2012, Thursday
Luke and Anthony A.: I have passbacks for you!

1. QW #4
-Please write the following sentences.  
-Underline the subject of each sentence.

(HINT: Ask yourself the question "Who or what is doing something? OR "Who or what is something?" This is your subject.

1. Nancy was the goalie for Monday's soccer game.
2. She threw the ball across the field.
3. Mr. Rollins gave the student a message for his parents.
4. I sent the senator an invitation.
5. Mr. Chin made appetizers for the reception

2. Check for Chapter 2 completeness - Put in Gradebook

3. Review ST Vocabulary 4 (for my mistake yesterday!)

4. Read Samurai's Tale Chapters 13 and 14

5. Begin Chapter Guide for ST, Chapters 13 and 14 (NOT HOMEWORK)

HW: Study for Vocabulary Test!  Finish your list!  
***Remember, you may not take the test unless your Vocabulary list is complete. 

6 January 2012, Friday

1. QW #5

Please write out your favorite three Vocabulary words from this week's list (or just pick three).

Write these words along with their parts of speech and definition...use your list if you need to!

2. Collect Quickwrites 1-5.

3. Samurai's Tale List 4 Quiz

4. Collect Samurai's Tale Vocabulary 4 Quiz

5. Complete Chapter Guide for Samurai's Tale, Chapters 13 and 14 (due End of Period?)

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Did you turn in a list today?  
Did you turn in your Quick writes?
Did you turn in a Chapter Guide for ST, Chapters 13 and 14? 
If yes to all, NO HOMEWORK :)


What did we turn in this week:
1. Character Charts for ST, Chapters 1-10 (due Tuesday)
2. Grammar book completeness, Pages 31-42 (due Thursday)
3. Samurai's Tale Quiz Vocabulary  List 4 (due Friday)
4. Quickwrites 1-5 (due Friday)
5. Chapter Guide for ST, Chapters 13 and 14 (due Monday)'

Next week: Pronouns, New Vocabulary, and more from Samurai's Tale!

Happy New Year!