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Monday, January 23, 2012

Agenda 7 for 1/23-1/27

Monday, 23 January 2012
Juan and Hannah - please see me before you begin your quickwrite.

1. QW #13
-Please take out your Samurai's Tale books.
-Briefly explain what occurred in Chapter 17 in Samurai's Tale (we read this on Thursday).
-You must write a minimum of 6 sentences.
-One sentence must include textual evidence.

HINT: format your textual evidence as so: "textual evidence" (132).

2. Read Chapter 19 in Samurai's Tale

3. New Vocabulary List (PRS #1)

4. Briefly introduce Response to Literature Essay 

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Work on Vocab. List

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

1. QW #14

Please take out your PRS List #1
Please make up five "fake" words using each of your new prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
Then, provide a definition for your new word.

Homeworkible - able to do homework
(notice that the definition of the suffix -ible is in the definition: "able to")

BiCorgis - having two CorgisThe words only make sense when you write a definition!

2. Response to Literature Introduction

3. Read Chapter 20 in Samurai's Tale (LRJ)

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study PRS List #1/ LRJ for ST Chapter 20

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

1. QW#15
An antecedent is the word a pronoun is replacing.
For example: Hunny loves her toys. 

Hunny is the antecedent the pronoun "her" is replacing.
Please write out the following sentences.
Underline the antecedents.

1. The earth spins on its axis.
2. Roger and Rorie are going to their house.
3. Mr. Lovell talks about his kids.
4. The sun warms the earth with its energy.
5. All teachers love his and her students.

2. Grammar 3.7 (we're skipping 3.5 and 3.6)

3. Collect LRJ

4. Read Chapter 21 in Samurai's Tale

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish PRS List #1

Thursday, 26 January 2012
Juan and Hannah see me please (passbacks)
1. QW #16
Take a moment and think about our upcoming essay: Response to Literature.
Answer ONLY THREE of following questions in AT LEAST two sentences (no, you do not need to write the questions):
This is a little more than a quick write...think about your responses carefully!
1. What is the Exposition of Samurai's Tale?
2. What are some features of the Rising Action of the novel?
3. What is one big change Taro (Harutomo) has gone through.
4. Do you think Taro (Harutomo) has made good choices in his life? Why or why not.
5. What is one thing you have learned from Taro (Harutomo)?


2. Read Samurai's Tale Chapters 21 and 22

3. Grade Grammar 3.7

4. Overview of PRS Test #1

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish PRS #1- Test tomorrow

Friday, 27 January 2012

1. QW #17

Please write the following sentences.
Underline the pronoun once.
Underline the antecedent twice.
(Remember, the antecedent is the noun the pronoun replaces)

1. Mike skipped Gator-Aid and now he has detention.
2. Pandora is the best because it plays everything.
3. Corgis are the cutest.  They bark all the time.
4. Whenever you study, you get better grades.

2. Collect QW #'s 13-17.

3.PRS Quiz #1
(Keep these!  Don't lose them!)

4. PRS List #2
(Make flash cards)

5. Read Chapter 23 in Samurai's Tale

HW: Enjoy your weekend!

Here is what we turned in this week:

1. Literary Response Journal for Samurai's Tale, Chapter 20 (due Wednesday)
2. Grammar 3.7 (due Thursday)
3. QW's 13-17 (due Friday)
4. PRS Quiz #1/ List (due Friday)