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Monday, February 27, 2012

Agenda 7 for the week of 2/27-3/2

Monday, 27 February 2012

CST English 7 - Mirror Test (Part 1)

Grammar 4.1

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #5/ Did you turn in your Lyrics Assignment?

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

CST English 7 - Mirror Test (Part 2)

Finish Grammar 4.1

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #5/ Finish Grammar 4.1

Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Nique, Christian (passbacks) and Alyssa - please see me before you begin your QW.

1. QW #30

Please write out the following sentences.
Underline the VERB PHRASE.
Write HV above the helping verbs and MV above the main verbs.

     A. He did answer the question
     B. Casey should take the bus
     C. The students were talking a lot!
     D. Andrea will take the test today.
     E. You must not tell lies.

2. Finish/ Correct Grammar 4.1

3. Read "Casey at the Bat" (pages 300-301)

4. Casey at the Bat Assignment

HW: Finish Casey at the Bat Assignment

Thursday, 1 March 2012

1. QW #31
CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS, then follow the directions

     A. You should be allowed to use cell phones in class.
     B. Teachers should not give homework
     C. Boys play video games and girls don't.

     Do you agree with this statement?  Do you disagree with this statement?
     What makes this true or false for you?
     What do you know from your own life that makes this true or false?

Please answer the above questions entirely.  You MUST agree or disagree.  Back up your opinion with evidence from your own life, or from someone you know.
***This should look like a well written paragraph when you are finished (AT LEAST 8 SENTENCES).

2. Go Over "Casey at the Bat" Assignment

3. Grammar 4.2
Finding Direct and Indirect Objects

HW: Finish/Study PRS #5/ Finish CATB Assignment

Friday, 2 March 2012

1. QW # 32

Write a non-fictional (real) narrative (story) about your favorite OR least favorite trip.

You should include all of the features of a plot pyramid: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax and Falling Action.


2. Collect QW's 30-32

3. Collect CATB Assignment

4. Take PRS #5 Quiz

5. PRS #6 List

6. Finish Grammar 4.2

7. Spilling Open Poetry (if time)

HW: Enjoy the weekend and sleep in!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Agenda for 2/20-2/24

Monday, 20 February 2012

No School - Washington's Day

Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Alyssa and Justin - See me before you begin your quickwrite (Passbacks)
1. QW #26
Please write out the following words.
Please define the following words using your PRS #4.
Be sure the proper prefix, root, or suffix is included in the word's definition.
Use what you know already to help define words.
     1. Expulsion
     2. Hyperactive
     3. Produce
     4. Exit
     5. Artifact
     6. Factory
     7. Magnify

2. Go over Grammar Tests

3. Read Chapters 32 and 33 in The Samurai's Tale
4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish PRS List #4.

Wednesday, 22 February 2011

1. QW #27
A verb is something you do.  Ask yourself this question when identifying verbs.
Miss Hawkins yells at her students.
Q: What is Miss Hawkins doing? 
A: Yelling
"yells" is the verb.

Please write out the following sentneces.
Underline the verbs.
     1. Katherine walked her Corgi yesterday.
     2. Mary eats sushi a lot.
     3. Kyle bought a new video game.
     4. He ran very quickly.
     5. They did question their score.

If you are confused, please write out the sentences and wait until we review.

2. Finish  The Samurai's Tale

3. Begin Poetry Terms (Notes)

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish PRS #4 List

Thursday, 23 February 2012

1. QW #28

Please make up five fake words with PRS #4.
Be sure you write the word and its definition.
EXAMPLE: Hypercandy: candy that makes you overly energetic

2. Finish Poetry Terms

3. Grammar 4.1

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Study/ Finish PRS #4 List and Print out/Write all lyrics to a song

Friday, 24 February 2011

1. QW #29
Please take out your poetry notes and answer the following questions.

You do not need to write the question or full sentences...only the answer (word).
      A. What is the poetry term that means giving human-like qualities to an object?
      B. What poetry term means repetition of sound at the beginning of words?
      C. What poetry term means a comparison of two things using the words "like" or "as?"
      D. What kind of poem is written about a hero?
      E. What is the poetry term that helps a reader evoke their five senses?

2. Collect QW's #26-29

3. Check-off PRS #4 List (Study)

4. Take PRS #4 Quiz

6. Poetry Terms Assignment

Using your lyrics in front of you, please identify 8 different terms in your song.  

If you cannot find eight, ask two other classmates to look before you ask me.

7. Binder Reminder

HW: Have a great weekend!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Agenda for 2/13-2/17

Monday, 13 February 2012
Ben and Lizzy - please see me before you begin your QW (passbacks)

1. QW #23

Please write out the following sentences.
Underline all the Nouns.
Circle all the Pronouns.
     A. The beads Allison used were so awful, they fell apart.
     B. With the water running, she brushed her teeth.
     C. Our favorite day is Saturday.
     D. Iphones can be very expensive.
     E. His car broke down and he had to wait an hour for a tow truck.

2. Correct Grammar 3.9

3. Grammar 3.10

4. Read Chapter 28 in Samurai's Tale

5. Grammar Review

6. Binder Reminder

HW: Finish Grammar 3.10

Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!

1. QW #24
Please write out the following sentences.  
Underline the correct pronoun.
HINT: You need to know if the indefinite pronoun is singular or plural to decide.
     A. Anyone can get (his or her, their) driver's license.
     B. Both (his or her, their) grades are amazing.
     C. Many in the car accident will pay with (his or her, their) cash.
     D. Some students decided to finish (his or her, their) homework.

2. Correct Grammar 3.10

3. Work on Grammar Review

4. Read Chapters 28-30

5. Binder Reminder

HW: Study for Grammar Test/ Read Chapters 29-30 in Samurai's Tale

 Wednesday, 15 February 2012
NO QW today.  Please take out a blank sheet of paper and title it "ST, Chapter 29-30 Quiz"

Samurai's Tale, Chapter 29-30 Quiz

1. Who replied to Harutomo's (Taro's) poem to Aki?
A. Aki, of course!
B. Lord Akiyama
C. Lord Zakoji

2. What did Lord Zakoji (Aki's father) ask Harutomo (Taro)?
A. To become a priest also
B. To stop writing Aki
C. To kill Lord Akiyama

3. What happened to Harutomo's (Taro's) good friend Yoshitoki?
A. He died in battle
B. He killed 100 men
C. He won Iwamura Castle

4. Harutomo is asked to be a messenger.  If he got caught, what would happen to him?
A. They would cruicify (kill) him.
B. He would be let go
C. They would capture him and use him as bait to get to Akiyama.

5. Have your heading in proper MLA format.

1. Go over Grammar Review answers

2. Read Chapter 31 in Samurai's Tale

3. Binder Reminder

HW Study for Grammar Test tomorrow!

Thursday, February 2012

QW #25
You do not need to write the questions.
Answer the following questions in full sentences:
     A. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? 
     B. Why?
     C. What would you do there?
     D. Who would you take with you?

1. Turn in QW's 22-25

2. Take Grammar Test

3. PRS #4

3. Grade Chapter 3 for Completeness (if time)

4. Binder Reminder

HW: Enjoy the long weekend!

Friday, February 2012

Lincoln's Day - No School

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Agenda for 2/6-2/10

Monday, 6 February 2012
Anthony L., Carson, and Nathan - please see me before you begin your quickwrite.

1. QW #21
Write out the following words.
Attempt to define them based on the prefix, root, or suffixes they include.

Example (equitable - something that is equal)
HINT: You may need to take out your PRS #3 List

     A. Dictator
     B. Credible
     C. Epicenter
     D. Operator
     E. Preacher
     F. Incredible
     E. Equator

2. Talk about Essays/ Look at Response to Literature Rubric
Print out Rubric for some extra points!

3. Read Chapter 25 in Samurai's Tale

4. Correct and Post Grammar 3.8

HW: Be prepared to type essay tomorrow/ Finish PRS #3 Flash Cards (Study).

Tuesday, 7 February 2012
No QW - Typing in Library 

HW: Finish PRS #3 Flash Cards (Study)

Wednesday, 8 February 2012
No QW - Typing in Library

HW: Finish PRS #3 Flash Cards (Study)

Thursday, 9 February 2012
If you get your essay back don't panic!  We're doing something with it today!
 Anthony L, Carson, and Nathan - see me (passbacks) 
1. QW #22

Please make up FIVE fake words using your PRS List #3.

Be sure to include the definition of the prefix, root, or suffix in the definition.  

EXAMPLE: epiword: on top of the word
EXAMPLE: credlie: to believe a lie

2. You will need - three different colored pencils (your choice)

Please make a key somewhere on your rubric or essay:

COLOR 1: Underline where you wrote the title of the novel AND the author's name.
COLOR 2: Underline where you included textual evidence
COLOR 3: Underline where you included your personal connections/thoughts (how you felt)

If you want to turn in it please put it in the period 4 box.
If you would like one more night to fix some errors, have me sign your paper so you can turn it in tomorrow for full credit (this means you need to turn in whatever was signed also)

3. Grammar 3.9

4. Read Chapter 26 in Samurai's Tale

HW: Finish PRS #3 Flash Cards (Study)/ Finish Grammar 3.9

Friday, 10 February 2012
1. No QW Today, please take out your Flash Cards and Begin studying for a few minutes.

I will be walking around to check off finished flash cards.

2. PRS #3 Quiz

4. Grammar Review

5. Correct Grammar 3.9

6. Turn in QW #21 and 22

7. Read Chapter 27 in Samurai's Tale (If time, not HW).

HW: None for this class :)