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Monday, February 27, 2012

Agenda 7 for the week of 2/27-3/2

Monday, 27 February 2012

CST English 7 - Mirror Test (Part 1)

Grammar 4.1

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #5/ Did you turn in your Lyrics Assignment?

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

CST English 7 - Mirror Test (Part 2)

Finish Grammar 4.1

HW: Finish/ Study PRS #5/ Finish Grammar 4.1

Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Nique, Christian (passbacks) and Alyssa - please see me before you begin your QW.

1. QW #30

Please write out the following sentences.
Underline the VERB PHRASE.
Write HV above the helping verbs and MV above the main verbs.

     A. He did answer the question
     B. Casey should take the bus
     C. The students were talking a lot!
     D. Andrea will take the test today.
     E. You must not tell lies.

2. Finish/ Correct Grammar 4.1

3. Read "Casey at the Bat" (pages 300-301)

4. Casey at the Bat Assignment

HW: Finish Casey at the Bat Assignment

Thursday, 1 March 2012

1. QW #31
CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS, then follow the directions

     A. You should be allowed to use cell phones in class.
     B. Teachers should not give homework
     C. Boys play video games and girls don't.

     Do you agree with this statement?  Do you disagree with this statement?
     What makes this true or false for you?
     What do you know from your own life that makes this true or false?

Please answer the above questions entirely.  You MUST agree or disagree.  Back up your opinion with evidence from your own life, or from someone you know.
***This should look like a well written paragraph when you are finished (AT LEAST 8 SENTENCES).

2. Go Over "Casey at the Bat" Assignment

3. Grammar 4.2
Finding Direct and Indirect Objects

HW: Finish/Study PRS #5/ Finish CATB Assignment

Friday, 2 March 2012

1. QW # 32

Write a non-fictional (real) narrative (story) about your favorite OR least favorite trip.

You should include all of the features of a plot pyramid: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax and Falling Action.


2. Collect QW's 30-32

3. Collect CATB Assignment

4. Take PRS #5 Quiz

5. PRS #6 List

6. Finish Grammar 4.2

7. Spilling Open Poetry (if time)

HW: Enjoy the weekend and sleep in!