Cameron, Mariah, and Kaylinn - please see me before you begin your quickwrite (Passbacks).
1. QW #49
An adjective describes/ modifies nouns. Remember what a noun is???
HINT: a noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.
Another type of adjective is called an "indefinite article" or: the, a, and an.
Please write out the following sentences.
Please underline all of the adjectives.
1. Kylee's pink sweatshirt was becoming.
2. Miss Hawkins' sparkly, pink cell phone cover is beautiful.
3. Hunny is a cute little Corgi.
4. The huge Eifel Tower was surprising.
5. The broken chair wobbled a lot.
2. PRS #9 Quiz
3. PRS #10 List (Quiz Friday)
4. Grammar 5.1
HW: Finish Grammar 5.1/ Study PRS #10
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
****STAR Testing - no 4th Period today
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Cameron, Mariah, and Kaylinn - passbacks
1. QW #50
A predicate adjective (PA) follows a linking verb.
Example: Miss Hawkins is wonderful.
Please write out the following sentences.
Label the: subject (S), linking verb (LV), and predicate adjectives (PA).
1. Someone was careless.
2. After the fire, many people were homeless.
3. I felt uncomfortable the first day of school.
4. What smells so delicious?
5. The weather is warm this week.
2. Correct Grammar 5.1
3. Portfolio Work Day - Poetry Portfolios Due Friday!
Station 1 - Portrait Poem Station 5 - Messy Room Analysis
and Fire and Ice Analysis
Station 2 - Rhymed Narrative Poem Station 6 - Songs Analysis
(2 Total)
Station 3 - Two Bodies Poem/ Analysis Station 7 - Author's Note
Station 4 - Haiku Poems (3 Total) Station 8 - Table of Contents
Master List
HW: Study PRS #10/ Work on Poetry Portfoilos
Thursday, 19 April 2012
***STAR Testing - 4th Period after lunch
Portfolio Work Day
Station 1 - Portrait Poem Station 5 - Messy Room Analysis
and Fire and Ice Analysis
Station 2 - Rhymed Narrative Poem Station 6 - Songs Analysis
(2 Total)
Station 3 - Two Bodies Poem/ Analysis Station 7 - Author's Note
HW: Study PRS #10
Friday, 20 April 2012
Please put quickwrites #49 and #50 in the period 4 box.
No Quickwrite today -
1. Please have out your PRS #10 and study while I come around and check off lists.
2. Take PRS #10 Quiz
3. PRS #11 List
4. Grammar 5.2
5. Read AMND Act IV, scene i (Homework if not finished)
HW: Finish Poetry Portfolio - DUE MONDAY!