Monday, 30 April 2012
1. Debates!
A. Instructions
B. Choose
C. Debate!
D. Grades
E. Winners
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Passbacks today - Syrus and Juan
1. Quickwrite #51
Pretend this is a quiz.
You need only write the number of the question and the letter to the correct answer.
NOTE: If you think writing this out will help you, do so!
Your BIG PRS Test is Friday on all eleven lists - we will be preparing this week.
Lists 1-4 Review
2. Grammar 5.4
3. Read Act IV scene ii
4. Introduce Travel Agent Assignment
6. Binder Reminder
HW: Finish Grammar 5.4
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
1. QW #52
Please take out your Quickwrite paper and for today's, number your paper 1-8.
Please remember you only need to write the number of the question and the letter of the answer.
Review - lists 5-10
2. Correct Grammar 5.4
3. Pick a country/ city for Travel Agent Assignment
As we are going through the powerpoint, pick your top FIVE sites you would want to research - in order
Only one site is permitted per student.
Locations will be selected on first come, first serve basis (shuffled papers)
4. Vote on Poetry Portfolios
5. Binder Reminder
HW: Study for PRS Test!
Thursday, 3 May 2012
1. QW #53
Reivew - list 11
2. Grammar 5.6 (We're skipping 5.5)
3. Pass out Travel Agent Assignment Locations
4. Read AMND Act V.
5. Binder Reminder
HW: Study for PRS Test - All 11 lists! (Check out our reviews from this week)
Friday, 4 May 2012
No Quickwrite today - please study while I take attendance/ pass a few things out.
1. PRS Test
When you finish, please put your test on the chair and finish/ look over Grammar 5.6.
***If you happen to finish grammar 5.6, read silently.
2. Correct Grammar 5.6
3. Read Act V AMND
HW: Enjoy the weekend!